3 Reasons to Enroll in the Nursing Program at Excelsior College

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Becoming a nurse is one of the most rewarding and important careers a person can pursue. Still, finding a degree program that’s right for you can be difficult. When it comes to finding the perfect college, it’s important to consider the quality of education, price, and what they add to your future earning potential.

On those points, if you’re looking to start a career in nursing, Excelsior College is a perfect match. Excelsior has long been praised by students for its accessibility, the way the program allows them to work while learning, and the competitive Excelsior scholarship programs that make education more affordable for many students. There are more than a few reasons that Excelsior College should be at the top of your list as a prospective nursing student, but let’s focus on the top three.

Excelsior College fits into your busy life

The online nature Excelsior’s nursing program puts a degree within the realm of possibility for many adult students or people who are looking to make a career change but can’t just take a couple of years off. It’s also perfect for prospective students with personal responsibilities that keep them from being able to relocate or participate in a more traditional degree program. The simple fact is that education is evolving and students need a modern school that can adapt to an ever-changing professional world.

Excelsior provides an array of scholarships and opportunities

Excelsior College understands that the cost of an education can be prohibitive. They have a robust scholarship program that can help students with scholarships that are both merit-based and need-based. For those interested in the nursing program specifically, the National League for Nursing even offers a scholarship of up to $8,000 for nurses pursuing an advanced degree in an accredited program like Excelsior. They also provide four additional scholarships exclusively available to enrollees in the nursing program. It’s easy to apply for an Excelsior scholarship, you can do so on your FAFSA.

Excelsior’s flexible program offers different types of degrees

Excelsior College understands that no two students have identical academic needs and that different careers require different levels of training. The nursing program has four different degree programs. They offer an Associate’s, a Bachelor’s, a Master’s, and also have an RN to Master’s program. Whether you’re looking to learn, find more career opportunities, or hone your professional skills, Excelsior has a program that will work for you.

With an overwhelming number of options out there for students, finding a school that fits your needs and your budget is difficult. Excelsior College offers a program that is focused on peoples’ real needs and how best to prepare them for a career, in addition to providing scholarship opportunities to expand access to those who qualify or have demonstrated financial need. When it comes to nursing, they have a variety of programs that can build off your preexisting skills, or help you start from the beginning. Excelsior is the ideal program to put you on the path from dreaming about a degree that will take you to the next level of your career to actually earning one.

Between the National League for Nursing’s scholarships as well as the college’s own program, there’s no reason to put off applying because of the cost. You can request more information by providing your name and email address on Excelsior’s website. If you’re interested in pursuing a nursing degree, Excelsior College is a uniquely accessible program that makes sense for those looking to start a rewarding career or for people looking to take their education to the next level with a more advanced degree. Whatever your needs, Excelsior has the resources and the flexibility to meet them.


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